Monday 14 April 2014

John Batchelor vs. Jiminy Glick

Fair warning: this post is going to be ungraciously jocular in nature.

A few years ago, elsewhere, I opined that renowned actress Julia Roberts may have been a descendant of Akhenaton, the legendary Egyptian pharoah who is suspected to have suffered from Marfan's syndrome. Various friends claimed that I was being unkind, and I answered their protests by making jokes about Julia Roberts walking into a bar, only for the bartender to ask her, "Why the long face?" At any rate, I think I may have stumbled upon another relationship that nobody seems to be talking about, in part because the individuals in question are so obscure.

On some occasions, I find myself listening to the John Batchelor Show in the car. I've come to the conclusion that John Batchelor looks and sounds remarkably similar to Jiminy Glick. Here's a clip of John Batchelor...

And you can watch one of Jiminy Glick.

One of the comparisons that I find most entertaining is that John Batchelor tends to ask his guests about things that he seems to have very little knowledge of, but which seem sensational when he interjects them into conversation. Jiminy Glick does the same thing, although the comedy comes from the fact that Glick asks ridiculous questions and interjects interesting "facts" that aren't remotely accurate. Could they be secret relatives... ?

Of course, Jiminy Glick is a fictional character played by Martin Short, while John Batchelor is a real person. And, while I find John Batchelor to be a bit ham-fisted as a radio personality, he does seem to care deeply about national security, and he's obviously fairly well informed on the topic. Still, the resemblance is hard to shake once you've considered it.

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