Saturday 8 February 2014

Podcasts: Selections from the BBC

I get a lot of my podcasts from the BBC. I've ready mentioned Global News (Site; RSS) and Newshour (Site; RSS), which were two of the first podcasts I ever listened to. I also mentioned Xtra (Site; RSS), which I use for Arabic listening exercises; and Kermode and Mayo's Film Reviews (Site; RSS), which are pretty excellent because Dr. Kermode frequently goes off on excellent rants about how rubbish so many films are.

The BBC has some other podcasts I've taken some interest in over the years. The BBC does documentaries, all of which get archived. At the moment, the main page lists all of their documentaries since 2011 (Site; RSS), and they also have pages for their documentaries from 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively.

Another great resource is the BBC Reith Lectures (Site; RSS). My favorite BBC Reith Lecture was the lecture series from 1981 by Sir Laurence Martin, entitled "The Two-Edged Sword, which was about nuclear strategy. Hear me now and believe me later, that 1981 lecture series was one of the best resources I utilized in my entire year in graduate school.

The BBC has all sorts of podcasts, most of which I'm entirely disinterested in, but some of which you might find interesting or useful. Go have a look.

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