Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Operation Cassandra, Phase 2: Data Consolidation

Phase 2 of Operation Cassandra is the consolidation of my own personal data, and the archiving of additional data that I'm pulling from various sources. For the last few years, I've had a lot of data spread across several different assets. I want to get those assets mostly consolidated - with multiple devices at play, it will be difficult to keep them that way for more than a few minutes - to make future use a bit easier. Here are the steps I've established:

1. Consolidate all files into new file structure - As I mentioned above, this basically involves taking all of my files and sorting them into a deliberately structured hierarchy to make them easier to use. As some of them may eventually go online, it will make it easier to enforce the appropriate access controls as well.
2-4. List and clear KFHHG downloads; Determine KFHHG document load; Set KFHHG document load - I've previously mentioned my Kindle Fire Hitchhiker's Guide. Organization of what went onto it, and what came off, has been sort of ad hoc. I want to be more organized about it, so I'm going to figure out what files I've loaded onto it, and clear those files; figure out what stuff I need on there either permanently, or in phases; and set that load. I technically have two of them, so the lists may look a bit different, but it will be an improvement.
5. Dhofar archive - From time to time, I've mentioned my obsession with the Dhofar Rebellion, an obscure conflict that took place in southwestern Oman during the 1960's and '70's. I want to archive the bulk of what's available online, plus all of the work that I've done myself.
6. OGHAP archive - I may have mentioned that I'm writing a book about the First World War. I want to neatly archive all of the materials I've used.
7. History Education Resource Archive (HERA) - When I was in college, I assembled and peddled an archive of public domain history sources, mainly primary source materials, and focused primarily upon ancient history. I'd like to get it a little bit more streamlined (possibly converted into plaintext) and expand it to include some additional sources and topics.
8. Linguistic Asset Resource Archive (LARA) (language archive) - I've collected a lot of foreign language materials over the years, mostly Arabic and a little bit of Latin. I want to get it better organized.
9. Database of Historically Acquired Risk Management Assets (DHARMA) - I've collected a lot of security risk management materials over the years. Between 2009 and 2012, I put a lot of that material together as archives focused on information security and anti-terrorism. I want to consolidate those archives into one, and then expand it to cover additional security risk management categories.
10. Strategic Analysis Resource Archive (SARA) - Not surprisingly, I've collected a lot of stuff related to strategy, military operations, and military history over the years.
11. Figure out BitLocker - The days of "I don't really need encryption" are pretty much over, so I'm hoping to figure out how BitLocker works without locking myself out of any of my own files. So, that should be fun, right?

Work continues. More to come.