I feel awful for having neglected this blog for so long. That said, I've had pretty good reason. Here are a few of the things that have taken priority over blogging.
1) I moved across the country and started a new job. The trip itself was disruptive enough, but then there's getting the new digs set up, and running errands, and... Yeah. That was the first thing.
2) Since I arrived at my new base of operations in June, Lady Jaye has visited twice, for a grand total of nearly three weeks. While I got a few posts typed up during those visits, overall blogging time was pretty limited.
3) In addition to Lady Jaye's visits, I flew back West for two different Lady Jaye-related events on the West Coast - a total of about nine days when you combine travel days and time on the ground. I wasn't really in a position to write much of anything during those two blocks.
4) Given that I only have a few hours of leave on the books, those two trips back West required me to work some
ridiculous hours at work - as in, ten-and-a-half hour days at a forty-hour-a-week desk job. I may get to the point where I can prep blog posts from work, but I'm not there yet.
5) In addition to the aforementioned items, I'm lucky enough to have moved to an area where I already have a pre-existing friend base. One of my best friends from college lives about an hour drive away, one of the guys I worked with back in 2007 was in the area for about six weeks, and I've had a couple of other friends who either live in the area or were in town on business. So, unlike my early months in Hampton Roads when I knew basically no one, or pretty much the entire time I lived in California, my immediate post-arrival social schedule has been
much busier than I would have originally predicted.
The good news is that I've been in a position to collect news articles and have some cool adventures, and a lot of it's been documented in one way or another. I'm not due to fly back West for a little while, nor is Lady Jaye due to fly our here for a while, so both those constraints and the related
ridiculous work schedule will calm down for awhile. This
should give me an opportunity to catch up on some of the items I've been wanting to post. so, if you're an occasional reader and you've been disappointed with the sporadic content, stick with me and I'll get to posting what will hopefully be some thought-provoking stuff in short order.